Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Something New for etsy!

{and no, it's not this cute hat that I'm wearing}
{and yes those are vertical blinds...don't judge...I miss my shutters but "Barton Cottage" will have to do for now! I sound so snobby! I'm really not....just really really really dislike those window treatments!! Sorry if I offended you and you have them and you love them!}
So, I have an esty store that I haven't made anything for in a loooong while due to my life kind of falling apart last year. Some people get really strong in a crisis and plow through and are as tough as nails and able to cope with life like usual but me? No! I had to fall apart a bit and that meant putting everything on the back burner. It was all I could do to keep things normal for my family. There was no room for any creativity.I was in "hunker down" mode with my children and focusing on them and putting everything else last. My husband needed me for support and that had to come first as it should. Now things are slowly coming back to a normal pace for me. I feel so blessed right now despite 2009!

Do you wanna read some honesty from a mom who at a younger age than I did has figured out a lot about life as a mom? Check out Rachel's blog!

So, back to etsy......I have some interesting things in my creative little wacko head of mine that aren't hair bows! LOL Can't wait for this weekend when I get to make it all happen! {I hope}I love having my creative side back with me again.



Angie said...

You did better than I did in 09! I wasn't even able to keep it together for the family. My husband had to step in big time! Even though he was the one with the bruised ego. Thank God for him. Anyhow, didn't even notice the blinds- that hat is way to cute! Plus i'm pretty sure the chair your sitting on is the same pattern as my couch and chair!! Can't wait to see the new stuff your making!!

Angie said...

P.S. just stopped by Rachael's post- That was a great one!!

Pemberley Court said...

Guess we have good taste then if fabrics!!! :)

Pemberley Court said...

Just checking to see if I can post....having problems!

The Lind Family said...

Oh Elaine you look adorable....LOVE the hat!!!

Just checking in, can't wait to see what's new in the Etsy shop. I gotta email you back...sorry it's taken me so long. Life's been a little crazy!