Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Laundry Detergent Recipe

Laundry Detergent Recipe

OK! I made the video and it was soooo fun! But too bad no one will ever see it! I didn't even look like my self nor sound the way I think I sound!!!! Can we say self conscience? LOL

Anyway, here is the recipe and directions to make your own. Above are the ingredients with pictures of what I use.

You will need:
A 3 or 5 gallon bucket or container with lid
3/4 C Borax (20 Mule Team)
3/4 C Washing Soda (Arm and Hammer) Don't confuse this with Baking Soda!
1 Bar of Soap grated . (I used Ivory, my Granny back in the old days used Fels Naptha which you can still get today and lots of people prefer it. I used Ivory because I have it in my storage)

You will then need water at 3 different times during process.

First 6 Cups
then 1 quart very hot water
finally 1 1/2 Gallons


Grate your soap and add it to a large pot on med high heat. Right away add 1 cup of water (from the 6 cups listed above)
Melt as much of it as you can befor adding the next cups. Once it has melted about 85% you can then add the rest of the water one cup at a time. When the soap is completely melted you will
add: Borax and Washing soda. Stir until the powders are dissolved.

In the meantime get your 1Qt of hot water and add it to your 5 gallon bucket (or at least 3 gallon size)

Pour the mixture into the bucket and then add the remaining 1 1/2 gallons of water.

Stir really well and you're done! I use my old detergent cup to measure how much I need. I would say about 1/2 cup should do it for a large load!

It will have the consistency of Jello or something like that. It will not produce a bunch of suds either. It's not supposed to. Suds don't make your clothes clean.

I got the Borax and the Washing Soda at my local Albertsons for around $3.50 each.

I have been using this for the past couple of months and I LOVE it! It has been great for Blake's sensitive skin and is also really cost effective! Only pennies to make this much detergent and you know exactly what went into it!


Shannon said...

I've always wondered how to do this! Thanks for the directions!

Jaime said...

Ok cool, now I just have to get my lazy self to the store and I'll be in business! Thanks!