Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Reading Comprehension and a Lap Book!

My second born son has always had an issue with reading comprehension. In every subject he gets A's but when it comes to remembering what he has read it is difficult. So before this becomes a bigger problem I have discovered a super fun tool called a Lap Book! I think it will be so fun for him to be creative and also will help him to remember what he read and have a visual to go with it! So today we are off to the Library after we pick up big brother. I'll post pics later this week!  Stay tuned
Picture from Homeschool in the woods


Angie said...

This looks pretty cool! My youngest is the same way- A's on everything but every time she takes an AR Quiz she doesn't remember anything she's read.

Jaime said...

I know a homeschool family that does these all year long with their girls. Hope you enjoy it!