Monday, November 1, 2010

Oh Where Have I Been? And a Homemade Halloween!

I don't, just gets us all so busy sometimes doesn't it? Well, these three kiddos had a little something to do with it! This past week they were able to bring a favorite stuffed animal to school and so they all brought their BAB's {Build A Bear Workshop}

For FHE {Family Home Evening} last week we went to the Peterson Home. Dori, who is Blake's Sunday school teacher decked the place OUT! She was in costume as the most amazing witch! 

We also decided to go old school and do a homemade Halloween this year. I have to say it was so much more fun than going to the party store or mega halloween store like we have dome many times in the past.

I was a disco ballerina doll..wore a wig and a huge hot pink tutu that I made for $6.

Isn't she the cutest Candy Corn Witch! I have to admit I was a little disappointed in her choice at first but.....we came up with our own cute design. She was a happy lil witch and I was happy with the design and execution.....except for maybe the corset, hey....I made the whole thing with out a pattern, wouldn't suggest that on the corset but 30 button holes later it turned out  kinda cute!

$6.00 including the had...we had the boots and leggings.

S.W.A.T.  {$0}
Oh, you didn't know we had Ozzy with us and David Beckham? That's how roll!
One happy lil ghost! {another home made was our theme this year}
Lil ghost....$6.00


Angie said...

Love homemade Halloween!!! Glad you're back! ;)

tabchoirfam said...

I love the costumes! You are the greatest ever! Cami looks so grown up - can't we keep her 8 forever? Anyway, the ghost was perfect (loved his makeup) and Cami's candy corn skirt was darling. I wish there was a picture of your tutu or did I miss it?

Pemberley Court said...

No you didn't miss is Andrea...i opted out of the full body shot thank you very much! LOL

Morgan Gifford said...
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