Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Gavin Turns 8!

We had the blessing of Gavin turning 8 and being baptized! We are so proud of him for making that decision. We had lots of family (from my side) there due to my Nephew Shad's wedding the day before. It was nice to have lots of cousins there and a few friends from church.

Here are some pictures of his actual birthday-we had a cousins and friends birthday breakfast.(ooops, no pictures....forgot that we vidoe'd the entire event!) We let him open one gift (an I-Pod Shuffle) and then opened the rest that evening. No regular birthday cake for this kid- it had to be cheesecake! We were sad to find out that Trader Joe's no longer carries the brand that Mike and I grew up on and that Gavin became accustomed to. It was a sad day indeed!

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