Thursday, April 17, 2008

Club Libby Lu!!!

From 6 to 12 instantly! Good thing it was just for a few hours!!!

Camryn and I have always wished that there was a Club Libby Lu closer to us than Down Town Disney....and now there is one at our local Mall!!!

So, of course we had to go! Since we started Homeschooling .....yes...I said Homeschooling, we went on a Monday morning and had the entire place to ourselves and she was totally pampered! She had so much fun getting her hair and nails done and being surrounded by Hannah Montana stuff and listening to her favorite music. She got a Hannah Montana pink tank top that barely fit her....xs was still too big! She got a poster, the makeup that they put on her and a microphone and a really cute hair piece!

When we were all finished, we deicided to go have a quick lunch and on the way to the restaraunt this lady calls out to us from behind and says "excuse me, can I please take a picture of your daughter?" I'm thinking I don't have time and I already spent a bunch at the Libby Lu store....what will Mike think......she said "I'll give you a free 8x10 no strings...your daughter looks way too cute!" So we headed to the Kiddie Kandids and she had her picture taken! It tuned out so cute! We really had a great day!

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