Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Word verification

So when I leave a post on someones blog I swear I get some of the funniest words!!! I actually catch my self chuckling.  I know this is so lame but sometimes lame is what I need right now.  Just something silly and dumb. Norchors? Terttart? Those were just two that I saw on the last comments I left.  There have been funnier ones but come on I have 4 kids and a crazy life right now so forgive me for not remembering them all! :) Although they may sporadically appear in some of my future posts!


LilyHaven said...

I know! Do you want to hear something weird? Have you ever seen the ones were you have to verify two words? Marty's brother did (I think it was on ticketmaster) and he got the two words: LILY and NORTH. I swear!!! He took a picture of the screen and emailed it to me! Is that crazy?

Pemberley Court said...

Very!!! The Universe is your friend! LOL